YouTube Pirates: The True Story of Google Adsense Approved Creators Stealing Hollywood Box Office Revenue and Royalties While Exposing Children to Nudity - Piracy Watch

YouTube Pirates: The True Story of Google Adsense Approved Creators Stealing Hollywood Box Office Revenue and Royalties While Exposing Children to Nudity

von Piracy Watch

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2024-04-05
  • Genre: Wahre Kriminalfälle


A movie production company makes an investment with the hopes that it will make a profit. Nothing comes cheap including hiring actors, directors, musicians, and the like. Unless money is recovered, the movie company cannot continue to invest in future projects because even for taking in debt financing to make a movie, the movie company needs to show with hard facts and figures why it will recover back the money and make a profit so that it can pay back the debt.

The audience is difficult to predict and can make all these plans go haywire.

As if all these hardships are not enough, Hollywood movie studios now have a major new problem unknown to them on hand. This Piracy Watch investigation reveals for the first time ever how YouTube Pirates are stealing this money which should belong to the companies. These YouTube Pirates are not lurking in some corners of the internet but publicly on one of the world's most visited websites and mobile apps and Smart TV apps, YouTube. They publicly share download links on YouTube using which people can download the movie for FREE bypassing the Hollywood movie company and then distribute it endlessly at profit.

The surprising fact is these are not rogue YouTubers but the Google has all the details about them to personally identify and take action against them. The YouTube channel details including the address of the people running YouTube account has been verified by Google, YouTube's parent's company, and has all details including name of person running this rogue YouTube channel, their tax identification number, their bank account details and the like. And Google even pays this rogue YouTube channel monthly income via advertisements.

Even worse, these YouTube pirates have started to post obscene thumbnails. A cursory glance at the thumbnails on this channel makes you wonder if you are pornographic website or app; believe us, it is that bad.

These obscene thumbnails should ideally be hidden or at least age restricted so that people who declare their age to be over 18 years can see them. But YouTube makes no such effort. These thumbnails are visible to anyone and everyone including children.

YouTube has a feature by which it can age-restrict content so that only users who are signed in can view the video but it does not take this precaution with this channel for reasons best known to Google.

YouTube continues to give these pirates free access and reach to billions of people around the world as it is second largest search engine in the world after Google.

The effort that Hollywood studios and writers have prepared after months and years of effort has been reduced to pornographic fare as you can see from the thumbnails of the movies listed on this channel of YouTube pirates.

One of the members of this YouTube piracy operation, Fahreza Heilbron, proudly proclaims how YouTube is giving his obscene channel high viewership along with proof of earnings.

We hope at least now after this public in-depth expose by Piracy Watch, this public stealing of Hollywood movie Box Office Revenue and Royalties is put to an end and steps are taken to prevent exposure of Nudity to Children on YouTube by a major Google Adsense affiliated publisher.